funeral wreath With Chrysanthemums
65000 ֏
The wreath is made in the shape with a main circular composition, which has right-handed composition attached to it. Giorgina Chrysanthemums are used to prepare the circular composition.
This Funeral wreath stands out with its simplicity and meticulous work. It is composed of 500 chamomile like crisantemos. The wreath is not too big, it has Diameter of 1 meter and 2 meter height. It takes 3 hours to create such beutifule and simple funeral wreath.
65000 ֏
The wreath is made in the shape with a main circular composition, which has right-handed composition attached to it. Giorgina Chrysanthemums are used to prepare the circular composition.
60000 ֏
This Funeral wreath stands out with its simplicity and meticulous work. It is composed of 500 chamomile like crisantemos.
120000 ֏
In the center of the wreath is composed sferic composition, which is designed only with 150 Netherland Roses of Jumelia type. The next composition of this funeral wreath has 130 cm width, we have used over 30 white Laceleafs (sometimes called peace Lilies), Lisianthus and Roses.
30000 ֏
We have used white Carnations, Netherland roses (Jumelia) & Gerberas (Marmolada) to arrange this funeral wreath. It has 1-meter length and 2-meter height.