Wreath with Yellow Roses
65000 ֏
This funeral wreath is a combination of 2 compositions: the main ring-shaped composition and the left one with yellow roses.
This funeral wreath has two accent colors: white arranged from 300 Carnations and Red accent color. We have used Red roses, red Carnations and red Gerberas to create the Red flower arrangement of the wreath that you can see in the image.
You should order this funeral wreath at least 2 hours prior to your chosen delivery time. Delivery of this funeral wreath is free of charge inside Yerevan, whereas for other addressed inside Armenia and Artzakh we have paid delivery service. You can find more information about paid delivery on the next page in the delivery details section.
65000 ֏
This funeral wreath is a combination of 2 compositions: the main ring-shaped composition and the left one with yellow roses.
75000 ֏
We have mostly used autumn flowers for arranging this funeral wreath, they are the Chrysanthemums of Anastasia and Zembela types. The main arrangement of the wreath is circular.
60000 ֏
This Funeral wreath stands out with its simplicity and meticulous work. It is composed of 500 chamomile like crisantemos.
160000 ֏
The funeral wreath is made of 600 red Carnations, 12 Hereberiums of Carambola type, 8 branches of Monasela leaves, 1 Holandian Lily, 1 red Anthurium sort of Andreanum, and 120 white Roses sort of White Naomi.