Wreath Elit N7
75000 ֏
We have mostly used autumn flowers for arranging this funeral wreath, they are the Chrysanthemums of Anastasia and Zembela types. The main arrangement of the wreath is circular.
This funeral wreath is made of 4 compositions, among them right and left edge compositions and top-bottom ones. To prepare the top one our florist designers used 35 white roses of type white Naomi and 15 stems of white Gladiolus.
The edge left composition is made of 250 white mini Japanese Chrysanthemums and the right edge composition is made of 70 white Carnations.
The bottom composition is made of 5 white Herbariums, 10 white Zembelas, 15 white roses sort of White Naomi, and 12 stems of Gladiolus.
75000 ֏
We have mostly used autumn flowers for arranging this funeral wreath, they are the Chrysanthemums of Anastasia and Zembela types. The main arrangement of the wreath is circular.
45000 ֏
The funeral Wreath is made of only white flowers and the ring shape with convex edges. For preparing this wreath we used white Chrysanthemums of type Zembla, white Roses, white Freesias, and white Carnations.
160000 ֏
The funeral wreath is made of 600 red Carnations, 12 Hereberiums of Carambola type, 8 branches of Monasela leaves, 1 Holandian Lily, 1 red Anthurium sort of Andreanum, and 120 white Roses sort of White Naomi.
90000 ֏
This unique funeral wreath is created based on 2 flower arrangement, a ring-shaped composition created from more than 350 white Carnations and from green-white composition attached on the top of the ring.